Tuesday, September 3, 2013

August 26, 2013

Hello family!

This week was way awesome! Very hard, but awesome. The greatest thing I learned was patience. It is very hard to just sit in a lesson and not say a lot, but I know that my time will come when I will be able to speak more in the lessons. Other Americans said that they were silent the first 2 months of their mission. I am able to talk to people in the streets, get their contact information, etc.  My companion and I go on opposite sides of the street and get more doors knocked in less time. He trusts me to talk to people! It is really cool when people let me in and I get to turn around and call my companion over and we get to go teach. Such a cool feeling!! 

Lessons I am teaching a week... not sure the exact number, but around 6 a day. About 4 of those are just from knocking doors, and the other are for investigators or less actives. It changes every day but I am always staying busy and working as hard as I can. 

This week we had 9 investigators come to church! It was really awesome! The only problem is that many families have been together for many years, and have kids, yet they are not married. It is expensive to get married in Brazil so people just don't. When we teach them about the law of chastity, they agree to get married, but it is always delayed because in Brazil, you have to wait one month to get married. Right now we need 3 weddings to happen. 

This week we went to a members house for lunch, who lives 1 hour walk away, but it was way worth it. They are the coolest family, and the mom and dad were baptized a little less than a year ago. They have two little kids that are super cool and fun to play with. I have learned it is easiest to talk to babies cause we can talk to and understand each other. haha. 

But anyway, it gave me inspiration to work hard to find families to teach.  I want to see families be together forever cause they have to gospel in their life. The dad of the family has the Melchizedek priesthood and he is such a cool guy. 

I am eating fine. It is a bit different here. I eat once a day, but it is a very big meal. It is rice, beans, some kind of meat, and normally a salad of some sort. I like it very much! The other day some member paid for us to go to a bbq. That was amazing! I really like the food here and I haven't gotten sick yet... knock on wood. 

I dont have a lot of time left, but I love seeing the miracles of the mission. The other day we gave a blessing to a girl that has bad depression. We gave her a blessing of comfort and I could just feel the priesthood power working! Such a good feeling! 

I love you a lot and I hope you have a wonderful week!!  Thanks for working hard for me to be here!
I know that you love me too! I got your letter this week about Brady's stories! Pretty cool and very inspiring!  We only get mail once a month. So it really is snail mail... hahaha 

Love you all!

Elder Wild

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